Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Vision for a responsible Quinte West Government

I am new to blogging so bear with me. I am, however, quite concerned about what is or is not happening in Quinte West. The vision that I am putting forward is one that I hope most will find intelligent and reasonable.

Current State of Affairs
First, it must be stated that no vision is no answer to the fundamental question of what does the current and future Council intend to do with our taxes and how we can deal with the most serious issues facing our city.

I rate the need for decent well paying jobs as the number one priority. Our current reliance on infusions of funds from the department of national defense is certainly helpful, but it is not sustainable. Neither is short term seasonal tourism or relatively low paying food processing. These current sources collectively, together with a small amount of manufacturing and service sector industry and agriculture represent a fair amount of what we live with day to day. So, if the status quo is working for most of us, why do most of our most promising young people leave the city for higher education and then worthwhile employment opportunities elsewhere.

Serious Economic Development
What is missing in my opinion is a serious strategy to engage innovative entrepreneurs, researchers and developers of next generation green solutions to problems that plague us all. I also think that we need to build a collaborative model with current visionaries and developers to connect with universities and research institutes to create an environment that includes our local  Loyalist Community College, Queens University and all that are within a click of a mouse. To do this we have to believe that we can and should invest in our own youth and our existing talents.

One of the gems of our city is the Hamlet of Batawa, a small community within the city that is an exciting place to develop a small business and live. Sonja Bata is an example of a visionary in setting up the plan for "Leed" designation for development of Bata property in this community. The city to its credit has improved water and sewer services, but more visibility is needed. Can you imagine the potential? Let's encourage other innovators like Sonja Bata to come to Quinte West, we should be open to opportunity.

On the topic of visibility, we need to be much more open and visible on everything. How Council spends our taxes should not be a secret. If we make choices on spending these limited dollars let's make the best choice.

For example, this marina project. How can we seriously spend $12 to $13 million on a project that provides a few seasonal jobs and is compared to no other alternatives. How can we pay consultants $142,000 to do an environmental assessment on the project without making any commitment to building it. If we are committed to building it, when did we consult with local boaters, fishermen or even the general public. Why are we in such a rush to spend this money without even taking the time to tender this assessment, review other sites or to cost repairs to the existing marina facilities.

The Challenge
Mayor Williams challenged me when I suggested that the marina project appeared to be a done deal. However, the mayor and 10 members of Council supported paying the consultants and stated quite emphatically that council could cancel this project in the future if it so wished.  Unfortunately, that would mean $50,000 of our tax money would have been spent with no return on our investment. You be the judge, is this an emergency priority or should it get a serious initial review before we spend any of our money. Who is driving this project and where is the real serious effort on economic development? Entertaining 300 or so of the wealthiest boaters to leave us some spare change might give a few students some summer jobs, but offers no meaningful long term employment. Let's hear from the public and everyone affected by this decision and let's stop giving money without proper tendering and accountability. It is the minimum that we should expect from any elected body.

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